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republic slovenia

Secret Society KRVZ (2022)

adaptation of Simona Semenič's novel Secret Society KRVZ, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, February 22, 2022

*engaged also as a dramaturge


The Republic of Slovenia (2016)

documentary theatre performance, Mladinsko Theatre Ljubljana, June 5, 2016

*engaged also as a dramaturge and director of one part of the show

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Doppler (2015)

adaptation of Erlend Loe's novel, co-author Milan Marković Matthis; SiTi Theatre BTC Ljubljana, November 27, 2015, directed by Aleksandar Popovski

Cinderella (2014) 

theatre show for children, adaptation, co-author Brane Završan; Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, March 26, 2014, directed by Ivana Djilas

Careful, Pika! (2013)

theatre show for children, adaptation; Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, September 28, 2013, directed by Tijana Zinajić

*engaged also as a dramaturge

Kill Me Tenderly (2012)

adaptation of a 1979 Franček Rudolf’s movie script Kill me Tenderly; City Theatre Ljubljana, December 13, 2012, directed by Zala Sajko

Who is next (2011)

Janez Janša’s project; Inkonst Theatref Malmö, Sweden, October 4, 2011, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, November 6, 2011, Tanzquartier Vienna, Austria, January 27, 2012, produced by Maska Ljubljana, directed by Janez Janša
*engaged also as a dramaturge
tourings: A Week of Slovenian Drama, National Theatre Festival Maribor (Slovenia), Zoom festival, Festival Perforacije (Croatia)

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Happy Ends (2011) 

theater performance; Magacin Belgrade, Serbia, December 10, 2011, directed and performed by Simona Semenič, Milan Marković


This is me and who are you (2010)

theater performance; Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, March 8, 2011, directed and performed by Simona Semenič within Preglej Initiative


On Princip(le) (2009) 

Jure Novak’s devised theater project; Glej Theater, April 22, 2009, directed by Jure Novak
*engaged also as a dramaturge


Blind.ness (2008)

Ivan Talijančić’s devised theater project;  PS 122 New York, USA, October 12, 2008, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, December 10, 2008, produced by KD Integrali and WaxFactory, directed by Ivan Talijančić
*engaged also as a dramaturge

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Malfi (2008)

based on John Webster’s Duchess of Malfi; Mladinsko Theatre Ljubljana,  May 8, 2008, directed by Ivan Talijančić
*engaged also as a dramaturge

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Like Me (2006)

Lara Jankovič's project, based on Edith Piaf's biography, September 21, 2006, City Theatre Ljubljana at Festival Exponto, KD Integrali, directed by Zijah Sokolović


She Said... (2005)

Ivan Talijančić’s devised theater project, Cankarjev dom, February 10, 2005, directed by Ivan Talijančić
*engaged also as a dramaturge

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Solo No Peek (2003)

theater show, co-author Rok Vevar, Glej Theatre, November 30, 2003, directed by Simona Semenič, Rok Vevar

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A Fistful of Empty Hands (2001)

devised theater project, co-author Rok Vevar, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, December 4, 2001, directed by Simona Semenič, Rok Vevar

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careful pika
kill me tenderly
who is next
happy ends
this is me who are you
like me
she said
solo no peek
a fistful of empty hands

Črtomir Kovač, 2017

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